June 3, 2010
It has been some time since I decided to share more about the situation with my health. So many ask so politely when will you Jim write some more? First things first I wanted to thank all of you for your kind support and prayers.
Last November 2nd I wasn’t feeling well and went to the emergency room on Dr. V’s advice. Within a few hours or so I slipped into a coma for about fiftteen days. I had A complete renal and respiratory failure to all systems. I just can’t do it small time it has to be gigantic. This situation being so stressful on my body and just having a hip surgery left me unable to walk and in pain that was just unbearable. The frustration of not being able to walk was eating at me something ferocious. It’s now seven months later and I still can’t walk. The energy I have is spent training to walk but this task is now depleting my strength greatly, which is now causing me great concern.
It has been some time since I decided to share more about the situation with my health. So many ask so politely when will you Jim write some more? First things first I wanted to thank all of you for your kind support and prayers.
Last November 2nd I wasn’t feeling well and went to the emergency room on Dr. V’s advice. Within a few hours or so I slipped into a coma for about fiftteen days. I had A complete renal and respiratory failure to all systems. I just can’t do it small time it has to be gigantic. This situation being so stressful on my body and just having a hip surgery left me unable to walk and in pain that was just unbearable. The frustration of not being able to walk was eating at me something ferocious. It’s now seven months later and I still can’t walk. The energy I have is spent training to walk but this task is now depleting my strength greatly, which is now causing me great concern.
I feel like a burden and a weight upon all who surround me and care for me. Like I said earlier the pain causes you to not feel or think properly. Not only that but increasing medication causes you to slip into a sleep in the middle of a conversation too.
Sometimes they wait and about a minute later I wake and the person I was chatting with just laughs never knowing what to say to me. Talk about an awkward moment. I guess it's just part of the whole experience of the cancer and where it is in my body. I feel like I’m in space waiting for what’s next.
My wife really has taken the brunt of the whole thing most. Her workload has really doubled and she is showing some signs of becoming worn out from all of it now. No one could have done better than her if handed the same burden. It is more than two years now we have been going through this mess.
When I’m in such pain it’s the hardest for all. She has a lot on her plate. I just do as much as I can for her. Thank God for strong Christian women.
To end this now on a high note here, so I don’t sound like all doom and gloom. I am extremely thankful for every day I’m still here to wake up being able to send Kyle off to school or see Jane my wife’s smile.
I don’t ever take a sunset for granted anymore. Who knows when it may be the last one here on earth? Life is so precious, and short so enjoy it, but most of all be thankful for all the loved ones God has put around you. The ones who care for you and enrich your life daily. Gearing up as a witness of the Lord, striving to be a Vertical Man.